Prosperity Through Multifamily Real Estate Investing

How Sweat Equity Built a $4 BILLION Portfolio with Mark Hamilton

Cody Laughlin Episode 64

“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain wisdom.” Albert Einstein

Our special guest on today’s episode is Mark Hamilton, Co-founder of Hamilton Zanze. With over 3 decades of experience, Mark scaled a massive portfolio of over 22,000 units under management after starting with just a duplex and some sweat equity. Mark attributes his success and large scale business to a few simple principles: don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, get up every day and put in the work, and work with people you enjoy working with. It is these principles that have helped Mark navigate over 35 years of economic cycles, downturns, highs and lows, successes and defeats. There is no magic formula to success and no substitute for hard work. 

Mark is a veteran real estate investing expert and Co-Founder of Hamilton Zanze, a real estate investment firm with a portfolio of over $4.3 BILLION that specializes in multifamily investments. The company is one of the nation's largest privately held multi-family syndication companies with over 22,000 apartment units under management. Mark has really positioned himself as the expert who has seen ins and outs of multi-family investing. One of the things Mark is really passionate about and expert in is the 1031 Exchange tax program.

In this episode, we cover:

Everyone starts from 0

How has the real estate syndication model changed over the decades

Living through several major economic downturns

Partnering with Institutional JV Partners

Leveraging 1031 exchanges and Delaware Statutory Trusts to scale

Be your own worst enemy when it comes to your underwriting

The Real Estate will tell you the truth

Mark addresses each of these informative topics and so much more in this knowledge-packed episode! As long as you meet the market, take good care of your real estate, and love what you do, you’re going to be able to hang in there. Tune in today to learn how you can scale a massive portfolio with a little bit of sweat equity. 

The Final Four:

1. What do you do for your continued education to further your investing?

Mark: “I keep up on my real estate continuing education and contribute to our White Papers. I learn from all the smart people in my office who share their unique perspectives. Most of my continued education comes from being in it waist deep every day.” 

2. What have been the lasting lessons you've learned along your journey?

Mark: “You just need to show up each day, do the work, shut it down, and go back and do it again. Don’t get too in your head about it. You can’t be afraid of doing the hard work. You must be ruthless in your underwriting and your due diligence. Embrace the challenges and don’t be in too much of a hurry.” 

3. What advice would you give to the listeners to help them grow their businesses?

Mark: “Look for people to have great conversations with, look for people to work with who can take you to see real estate, and look to form relationships.” 

4. How can the listeners learn more about and connect with you? 

Mark: “Visit our website or email me at” 

Resources mentioned:

5 Reasons to Invest in Multifamily


10 Tax Advantages of Real Estate Investments

10 Reasons to Preserve 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges